Bean Soup for the Soul
Last week, I caught a cold that was bad enough to make me drop out of “doing” mode and move into a “self-caring” mode (Imagine that!). I slowed down, rested when I needed to, drank lots of herbal teas and…
Read MoreLast week, I caught a cold that was bad enough to make me drop out of “doing” mode and move into a “self-caring” mode (Imagine that!). I slowed down, rested when I needed to, drank lots of herbal teas and…
Happy end of January 2012! Wow–did the past month just fly by for you as fast as it did for me?
I hope you had a wonderful holiday and that your 2012 will be your happiest and healthiest yet. If one of your goals for the year is to lose weight, good for you! As you know, I am passionate about helping people lose weight without dieting, because most diets just aren’t sustainable. Science has finally proven what you’ve probably suspected for years — that following a restrictive food plan can actually make you more likely to overeat.
The great news is that you can ditch your diet for good and still lose weight and keep it off…..
Read MoreI know how busy this time of year can be so I just wanted to take a quick moment to wish you a very happy holiday season filled with laughter, love, excellent health, and of course, lots of great food! And a recipe for a healthier version of Almond Roca Candy….YUM!
Read MoreIt is the week after Thanksgiving—how are you feeling? The holidays are full of fun and busy-ness, but they can also be the time when our wellness plans go right out the window. The holiday season used to be an all-or-nothing time for me – I either gave myself a ‘break’ from dieting and consumed anything in site OR I attempted to deprive myself with rules like, No Sugar, No Alcohol, No Starch, (No Fun)…
Read MoreExercise has always been a part of my personal weight loss plan, which sounds good, right? Well, here’s the problem – I dreaded the experience of exercise. I hit the gym, ran with gusto and did countless crunches but I…
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