Do ONE Thing!

Note: This recipe and food for thought are from my Weekly Meal Planning Service where you get 4 healthy recipes and an organized shopping list every week.  It costs just $9.95/month and you can try it FREE for the  first month by clicking here.

Food For Thought: Do ONE Thing!

Thanksgiving has come and gone—how are you feeling?  The holidays are so fun and busy, and they can also be the time when our wellness plans go right out the window! Yet as you know, taking care of your health will insure that you have the energy to really enjoy the holidays instead of looking at them as overwhelming and stressful.  During these busy times, how about just focusing on DOING ONE THING every day that adds to your health and feeling of vitality?  Maybe it is taking a walk, eating a salad, or meditating—whatever it is, choose something that makes you feel really  great.  My just one thing usually involves leafy greens (they are magic foods, I tell ya!)—either eating them or in the case of extreme busy-ness, drinking them!  By setting that as my one thing, I insure that I will focus on my health at least once a day.  And you know what? Because I have set aside ‘take care of myself’ time, it is as if I have sent an unconscious message that I am worth taking care of even when times are busy, and I often find that one thing becomes two, three or four things.

Below, I included a recipe for a yummy kale salad with brown rice. Maybe your one thing this week could be simply preparing and eating this salad?

Until next week, Eat well, Be Well, and LOVE Every Bite!


Kale, Brown Rice and Tahini Salad

Try this salad for lunch or for your 3:00 snack! Leafy Greens have nutrients that boost your immunity and miso (fermented soybean paste) contains beneficial enzymes, aiding digestion.

1 head lacinato or dinosaur kale, thinly sliced

sea salt

1 clove garlic, minced

1/4 cup tahini

1 Tablespoon miso

1/4 cup water

2 Tablespoons fresh lemon juice

3 scallions, sliced

1 cup cooked brown rice or any desired grain

Place sliced kale in a bowl, sprinkle with sea salt and “massage” for 3-5 minutes until kale starts to break down.  In a bowl with a whisk or in a food processor, mix together garlic, tahini, miso, water and lemon juice.  Stir tahini sauce into kale and add green onion and cooked rice.  Refrigerate until ready to eat.

Cereal guy

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