Lose weight without dieting–Part 2!

Hi! I hope you are having a great week! Here are your next 2 steps for losing weight this year without dieting. To review, the first two steps were focusing on what you GET to eat instead of what you can’t and planning your meals.

The next 2 steps are:

~Warm Your Kitchen: Does your kitchen feel like the heart of your home or the appendix? As a happy chef I may be a bit biased, but I truly believe that cooking at home is one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself and your family. And I am not talking about warming things up in the microwave. Cooking, you know, from scratch–with amazing smells! Cooking at home allows you to eat fresh, less processed foods, which in turn can help you lose weight and have more vitality. Cooking also allows you to feel more connected to your food, and in my experience, much more satisfied with the entire process of eating.

~Eat When You Are Hungry: Sounds simple, right? But how many times have you thought to yourself, just one more errand, meeting, phone call…then I will stop and eat?” When we repeatedly ignore our body’s signals we lose touch with our inner signs of hunger and fullness. In my opinion, eating when you are hungry is the best way to STOP eating when you are not hungry.

Of course, both cooking at home and eating when you are hungry are easier when you have a plan, which takes us back to the step of planning your meals. I think planning your meals is SO important for health: I have seen peoples lives change simply because they put a food plan into place (that they are excited about….not a diet plan!) and follow it as much as possible throughout their busy day-to-day life.

If you could use some support in losing weight this year without dieting, be sure to check out my meal planning service. You get 4 healthy recipes, an organized shopping list and coupons to New Leaf Community Markets (in Santa Cruz, CA). The best part is you can try it free for an entire month by going to www.nourishingnutrition.com.

The next email will have the last 2 steps to losing weight this year without dieting and keeping it off for good. 2010 is going to be your healthiest year yet–can’t you just feel it?

Until Next Time, Eat Well, Be Well, And LOVE Every Bite!

Cereal guy

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